

Friday, November 7, 2008

My son the squirrel hunter

Like all good homeschooling families we are teaching our son to live off the land. Here is a picture of his first successful hunt!


The Clevelands said...

I'm not sure if I should say congratulations or yeck!??

We missed ya at the pumpkin patch and soccer!

Debbie Ayers said...

Just to be clear: MY squirrels are not for hunting...I like squirrels! Andrew sure looks proud of himself. I'm sure he had a blast!

Sharon said...

Does this mean Squirrel Soup for Supper?LOL Way to go Andrew

TexasNeals said...

EW! please tell me you didn't cook them up for dinner?! after all, that IS the only reason he would kill sweet, innocent squirrels, right? ;)