

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

To all of the women out there

which is 99.9% of my readers.

It seems lately I have been surrounded by "diet" talk. I admit, I even do it myself. But today, I stop. I am a huge believer in lifestyle changes. Dieting can only last for so long, then what are you going to do? I have seen women who diet to get to a certain size then when the diet is up, they gain it back. It's a constant yo-yo! But the women who change their eating habits and start exercising reguarly, they maintain their weight and feel great. It takes longer to lose but in the long run, they are healthy. We are bombarded all of the time by the media with skinny women. That is not our role model. We are to have our bodies as a temple for Christ. To me, that means eating healthy and exercising. Plus, I have 2 daughters. I do not want them to think just because God gave them a slightly bigger booty than what the media says is normal that they are fat. It's just the way God made them. I do not want my son's wife to have these horrible expectations to live up to about being "skinny." I want them to live healthy lives. I do not make the healthiest choices when I eat. I LOVE food. I am trying but I am not going to beat myself up either. (ok, I might but I can't change it after it's done) I am still going to drag myself out of bed and exercise in the mornings. I may not lose a single pound but I sure feel better. And when I feel better, in my eyes, I look better. I am going to give a huge shout out to my friend Laura C. She was told my her Dr. that she needed to lose a few pds. She never talked about, she only blogged asking for accountability. She has lost 30 pds!! Isn't that awesome? And all she is doing is watching what she eats! She doesn't sit around moaning that she can't have this or she ate too much. She simply and quietly eats her chicken wrap while we eat pizza. I am so proud of her. She has been such a role model to me.

So all this to say to every one of my friends and I mean this, every last one of you on my blog list, YOU LOOK AWESOME~! You are a great size, you are not too big, not too little. You are wonderful! Feel good about yourselves! Stop worrying about each and every little thing you eat. If you mess up up, that's ok. It happens. I mess up 20 x's a day! ;-) When you constantly talk about how you need to lose weight, you make me feel bad! Because I am sizes bigger than you! haha! And I am pretty ok with that. Am I extremely happy about my body? Nah, but honestly, I feel better than I have in years! Put your chin up and smile! BECAUSE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! You are created in God's image and look fabulous!

Oh, and by the way, I am so preaching to the choir. When I start to moan about how I feel fat I am going to come and read this. I am the worlds worst about saying I eat too much but yet still do it. But I am ready to break that cycle. (yes, it's a family cycle. I have heard the women in my family do it for years!) So help me stay accountable also! I LOVE YOU ALL!


Kelly said...

Amen Amiee!! Thanks for the kind, true words.

Sharon said...

Yes Aimee it is a cycle!! You know we should have shared a plate;)
I am so proud of you for sticking with your excercise!

Stephanie said...

It doesn't matter what size a woman is to have insecurities about her body. Society lies in our ears and gives us unrealistic expectations of ourselves that we must match up. Even if we amazingly get there those expectations change. It's not a matter of what we look like on the outside it's a matter of where our heart is on the inside. I have seem some of the most amazingly beautiful women who were over weight but what made them so attractive wasn't their body but their hearts and their minds.

It's true that when too many people are only talking about diets and losing weight it affects the whole bunch. It's a poison in the ears of others and something that really should be tread with caution because you never know the back ground of the person you are around. If I am among a recovering alcoholic I would never suggest going out for a harmless drink (not that I can anyway :)). The same applies to a woman that previously struggled with an eating disorder or hatred towards her body (no matter how perfect it might seem). If I don't know her back ground and continue to complain about my weight it could cause her to stumble back in the mindset that held her captive for so many years! It's something we don't really think about when we speak about our weight or our bodies. We think, "it's just about me" but it's very rarely "just about me."

Blessings to you as you change the way you think about yourself! Blessings to the beautiful women that God created. Celebrate your bodies and who you are because it's in that that you become spectacularly beautiful!

The Peacock Pearl said...

with me i don't care about pounds or numbers, but i do want to burn the flabby fat and replace it with muscle. lots of "skinny" people are still unhealthy and don't have any strength or endurance.

Jessi -in love with her family of four said...
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The Clevelands said...

Thanks, Aimee - you are too kind! I agree with everything you said and all of the comments.

Keep me accountable!!

Mommy Lion said...

You are so right about feeling better, makes you feel better about yourself! 5:30 is early, but I know once I'm done I'll be so glad I did it. And when I decide to sleep in, I'm bummed all day that I missed out! Keep it up!

Stephanie said...

Regarding your comment on my blog:

WAY TO GO! I'm so proud of you! I don't require you to eat with your Grandma, just visit! :) I don't get queasy often but when I do it is usually when I'm eating with an elderly. (shutters) I love them to death but eating with them ... not so much! :)

Connie said...

You must check out this video. It's on You Tube. It's from a campaign for real beauty, and it is incredible. It'll make you feel sooo much better. show it to your girls!