

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I am blessed with some great friends who pray. Thanks for all the prayers. To read that you are praying for our family is just incredibly touching. Tears came to my eyes when I read this. They are so appreciated. I went to my prayer group tonight and again, I am so blessed! Those 3 women encourage me more than you could ever imagine! They do not condemn; they just pray.

I was able to call my 2 very closest friends today and discuss some important things with them. That is treasured time! I was also able to apologize to them because I have not been the best of friend to them this year. I got caught up in "other things" and didn't focus on these 2 women who have been here for me over and over. One of them even invited me to things several times this summer yet I was too busy with "other things." Not anymore! God has really been working on my heart this past week. I am praying and asking for wisdom in the "other things" department. I feel that I got caught up in being accepted and wanted by others and just let my other friends go on the wayside. My best friend of 21 years today told me that I had not been myself. The things that I confessed to her are according to her,not me. I have gossiped, ignored, been cliquesh, and so many other horrible things this past year. I am thankful for some recent situations that have brought to life some things that need to change. I am thankful for a best friend of 21 years who will lovingly speak the truth. To be honest, I do not like who I was this year. I like certain changes that were made in some areas (mainly those dealing with Chelsea. I was able to let go of some anger toward her mom and wow, that felt great!! I am also able to love Chelsea for who she is, not who I want her to be. ) but in others, I did pretty bad. I cannot stand New Years resolutions but I find it funny that God revealed these things this past week. So I have New Years Revolutions. So instead of resolutions, I have wishes:

-I wish to be a better friend this year. I wish for wisdom and discernment in the friend department

-I wish to pay attention to others around me. I missed out on some great fellowshippin' opportunities this year with some great folks and do not plan to do that again.

-I wish to quit gossiping! It's bitter, hateful, and just plain mean. Plus, it makes me feel that way.

-I wish for salvation of my enemies

-I wish to not get so upset so easily. I need to just let it roll.

-I wish for peace in our family. For memories and great times to be made

-I wish to meet my husbands needs. I wish to honor him and have him know that he is the most wonderful husband, father, provider that any women could hope for.

-I wish to give Glory Babies the attention that it needs. Again, I got caught up in "other things" and let that go.

-I wish to be a better aunt to my 5 nephews. They are young for only so long and unlike our kids, nephews and nieces do not visit aunts and uncles as much. I need to treasure this time now.

-I wish to be my sister & both sister in laws best friends. I wish to have a weekend that we, plus my girl cousins, can all get together and just have fun.

-I wish for a family reunion where the entire family attends on every side of our families.

-I wish for my children to break the chains of divorce and have marriages that honor and please God

-I wish to be a better daughter and enjoy the time I have with my parents.

-I wish to be a better granddaughter and really listen to what their wisdom can teach me.

-I wish to be a better mother and not recount the bad things my children do, only the good. I wish to not be in the group of moms and talk about how my kids did this, or my kids did that and it was so horrible. May all my words about my children be encouraging and uplifting because who knows when little ears are listening. They are blessings and need to know that.

-I wish to bring honor and glory to My Great King. I wish to humble myself before Him. I wish to adore Him.

That is my wish list. And let me clarify, this post is NOT directed towards anyone. If I wanted to call anyone out on my blog, I would hope you all know me well enough to know that I would do it. And I would never do it hurtfully. I will call you first and let you know my issue with you. My blog is not a personal vendetta against anyone. It's a place to express my thoughts. I may get some of those thoughts from conversations that I have with you but in no way are they ever directed toward one person. I mainly write my posts as reminders to me. I go back and read them so I can reflect and see if things have changed. Have I quit gossiping? Have I quit talking about horrible body image? Have I realize how truly blessed I am? I am an upfront person. If you want to ask me something, I will give you the honest truth, even though it may come out strained. ;-) So please read this as it is. It's a journal that I keep for myself and my family. I want my children to read that I struggled through life just as they will. I want them to realize that I am only human and can only depend/lean on My Lord.

I hope you all have a great day today! May you enjoy the little things in life and find joy in them!


The Clevelands said...

Thanks for sharing - good stuff for all of us to wish for!

TexasNeals said...

bless your sweet heart.
w/ God ALL things are possible, so i know this wish list CAN become your reality!
we all struggle and to hear someone else's confession and desire to change, inspires all of us. thank you and may we be an encouragement to you as well! :)

Life with the Akin Clan said...

Can I be as sweet as you Stacey? You are just precious and encouraging!!

Laura-thank you!! I debated on sharing but maybe you can all help me be accountable.