

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Would it be wrong...

to just leave the house quickly and work out? Oh, and my kids would be here! LOL They are being super slow and super not cooperative about school. That's what happens when you start your day late. I should have just gone and worked out without them. Also, remind me that my stomach cannot handled lots of fatty foods! I am dying from a small cup of ice cream and a sandwich from Quizno's. I even split the sandwich with Eric. I just cannot handle eating out I guess.

I do have pics from Olive Garden that I hope to upload soon! Watch for them mom's!!

*Disclaimer-you know I wouldn't leave my kids here right?!


Jessi -in love with her family of four said...

why cant you handle eating out?

Life with the Akin Clan said...

I think it's certain things. I had a bacon, chicken, olive, musheroom, and chiptole sauce with bacon sandwich. Just waaay to much ugh! Plus, I had the ice cream before that. My stomach was on overload! Since Christmas I have been careful not too eat too much. I eat when I am bored, nervous, or because I am scared I will get hungry later and we might be out of food! lol So my stomach was just not ready for that! It may have been the chipotle sauce. Oh, the books! I will talk to Andrew about them and see which ones he has read. We can bring them to ELO next week!

Laura said...

Its the chipolte sauce!! I can't take it either! I think we are just old!!