

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Hubby Rocks Friday

*Simple disclaimer: I may write this every week, but that does not mean that Eric and I have a perfect relationship. There are many Fridays where I want to write why he does not rock. But then God gets a hold of my heart and I realize how wonderfully blessed that I am. So doing this is therapy for me. When I think and write about why I think he is wonderful, it helps me to soften my heart. I may be upset with him, he may be upset with me, but I am incredibly blessed with a great husband. Is he perfect? My stars, no! (I would be the perfect one in this relationship! KIDDING) But he is not called to be. He is called to be my husband and overall, he does a pretty good job at that! ;-)

I am going to steal Stacey's idea and write about the moment I knew he was the one. I do not remember a specific moment when I knew he was the one. I remember God clearly telling me he was! :-) (on Hwy. 31 coming home from the zoo the first time I met Chels) Like Stacey, I had a list. Unlike Stacey, ( I am sure) I had physical features on there also. I wanted a man with blonde hair, (check!) blue eyes, (check) athletic, (um...does using the wii count?) tall, (um....can't really check that one) and built. (he has great arms!) So when you look at my list, he didn't really meet all of the physical features that I had planned for my future spouse. (before you judge, I had been told to pray specifically, so that is what I did) But Eric met every other criteria. He loved the Lord with all of His heart, he loved kids, (duh!) he cared about others, he had a job,(!) he was not lazy, he desired to a deeper relationship with the Lord, church was (is) important to him, and he respected that I wanted to remain pure for our wedding night. The one other thing he didn't meet? He had been divorced. Being a child of divorce, I did not want to deal with that. I had a good situation but you still have all these funky feelings that go along with it. But God knew what He was doing! Seeing Eric with her did me in! What woman could resist a man that treats his daughter so wonderfully? I am blessed to be Chelsea's other mom. Because of my situation, I know (even if she doesn't believe me) how she feels a lot about certain situations, even about how she feels about me. I am able to use circumstances from my life as an example to explain to Eric why we need to do certain things.

I am very glad that God does not always answer our lists. Because if he had, who knows what I would have ended up with?! And even though I prayed fervertly for Troy Aikman I was pretty certain it wasn't going to happen. That man has had too many concussions anyways! ;-0 So thank you Lord for loving me enough to send me such a great guy!


TexasNeals said...

um, actually, i did have physical features on mine too! ;)

Life with the Akin Clan said...

See, you are such a great spiritual person, that I thought you only looked at the inside! ;-)

The Clevelands said...

I liked both of your stories! Maybe I'll do that for my blog. Thanks for sharing, both of you!