I was reading this article http://www.2theadvocate.com/news/39296312.html about the Katrina victims losing their housing subsidies. Apparently Bush denied their request for it to last longer and it ends on March 1st. Now I love New Orleans. I love the history, the architect, but some of the people? Come on! I am not going to lump them all into a category and say they are all this way. But they ones who are screaming for more help give this town a horrible name. It's been how many years?! Get a job! If you can't find one there, leave! You were given more opportunity then most people have ever been given after a hurricane. I know starting over is not easy. I just do not think the government should still be supplying some of their housing. Do you hear any one in Galveston screaming? I haven't heard a thing since it happened.
Then I read this article. http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/02/09/rural.alaska.villages/index.html?iref=mpstoryview People are starving in Alaska. Literally starving. They are going to die if they do not get food soon. They are asking for help but have waited a long time to do so.
Maybe I get my panties in a wad too easily, but does anyone agree with me? What are your thoughts? You will not get roasted if you do not agree! :-) I am just curious of your thoughts.
Seems like you are asking a relatively loaded question. Didn't your mother ever teach you - don't talk politics or religion!!?? ;)
With that being said, I generally agree with what you've said - government hand outs are OK to get folks back on their feet; but at some point in time, it needs to stop
Be prepared for some nasty comments on here...this is for some reason still a sticky subject! I agree with the above comment. I think that there's a point where it's enough. You know, my family lives in Houston and we visited in October (about a month after the hurricane), and they had it mostly cleaned up. Galveston is pretty devestated, but yes, they just decided to get moving again as soon as they could. The way my parents phrased it is that they didn't wait around for FEMA before they started to rebuild.
Kelly-I'm prepared! ;-) It can't be any worse than the comments after my post about how much I loved the town of New Orleans. I am an outspoken person and I like deep discussions. I think people are surface too much. I want to know how my friends really feel. It may hurt me, but I hope that I grow stronger from it.
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