

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Being the mom of the "old" kids

I remember when my kids were babies and I thought, "It will sure stink when you are the mom of the older kids." When you have a baby, everyone runs to you when you walk in. They want to visit you continously. They ooh and aah over each noise & movement. You are the instant celebrity. For those who know me, I kind of like that. And I will admit, I love to make new mommies instant celebrities.

I have entered the mom of older kids phase. Yes, my kids are still young but they are not cute little babies or even toddlers anymore. (and yes I am still young too!) No one runs when we come in. I am shocked when we all come in as a family. The kids always run ahead of me and then somewhere else. No one oohs and aahs over their every noise. If anything, the hold their ears. ;-) Sometimes it does stink. But you know what? There are some great, wonderful things about it also. Here they are:

-All of my kids are so fun to talk to! They are funny and insightful.

-I can lie on the couch and watch American Idol with Abs. This is great because a) we can actually watch tv and get through a show and b) we love voting for the singers

-I can read outside with Andrew and enjoy the silence together

-I can take Chelsea shopping, give her own money, and pretty much guarantee she will make good choices. I may have to nix a few ideas, but overall, she does pretty good.

-They can all ride their bikes on the road (Abi from driveway to driveway) and I do not constantly have to watch them

-They can all join in on Family game night. No one is left out because they are too young.

-They can fix their own meals. Yes, that includes cooking!

-Andrew does the laundry!!

-They are just overall enjoyable!!

I admit, the baby bug hits me at times. I love that instant celebrity phase. But I also like this phase too. I love having conversations with my kids, I love seeing them learn, and I love seeing them become young adults. So mommies of babies, enjoy every minute of it. And remember to keep enjoying it!

*This post was written as a reminder to me!!! I need to remember these things every day!


Mommy Lion said...

We still ooh over your kids walking in! We LOVE it when Abi comes into kids church! You've done a great job and hope the same things can be said of our kids someday! *wink*

Jaime said...

Those were sweet to read. Thanks for the reminder. I sometimes feel a little sad that we're no longer in the baby stage, too. We'll just ooh and aah over each other's kids to help us feel better! :-)

TexasNeals said...

oh, this was so sweet and encouraging! it's great to be able to enjoy and savor every stage and the blessings and challenges it brings! you really are a great mom, aimee, and your kids are the proof!
thanks so much for this post, it was great! :)

Sharon said...

Well I still OH and AWE over those cute kiddos!!!!

The Gillaspie Family said...

Love your perspective...helps me remember to cherish my tiny little girls now, because I'm thinking that it won't be like this for long...