I will tell you that this 9 months has been crazy for me. Because it was my sister, I have been so worried. I of course I never told her. I am not the best role model for pregnancy. I was so worried that she would have the freaky gene like me. And I felt so guilty. Because of my experiences, I feel that my family members sometimes have a worrisome pregnancy. They know what can go wrong. And that's scary. When we got the call Monday about her blood pressure, I wanted to cry. I kept it in and just kept going. I realized that I was on the other side of the fence now. And I was praying just for my sister. This is my sister. My best friend, the one I share memories with, can share laughs with over only certain things, my flesh and blood. I just could not imagine seeing her hurting. I soon realized that I understand now how the family feels. I almost get upset because they just do not miss Hannah like I do. They miss her but not like I do. I understand that now. I loved Lewis already but my heart and prayers were focused on Jessi. Once I realized this, I started praying earnestly for Lewis. I remembered being a mommy and being scared. Wondering what could happen and feeling so out of control. When I saw my sister and realizing she was probably feeling all that, I just wanted to hug and protect her. But I can't. That is what our Heavenly Father is for. Jessi did wonderful. I am so proud of her. She is a planner and for the most part, her life has followed on her plan. Yesterday, that just did not happen. She handled it beautifully. She was glowing (yet moaning in pain) and looked so happy. I am so excited for her. I am excited about the bond she, Raegan and I share now. She and Franklin are going to be great parents and I can't wait to share it with him! And to get my hands on that little one and kiss his toes!
Well, if you read this far, I will leave you with Abi's parting shots. This is what happens when your little one has the camera and is bored. The one of her hands is Isaac Hill's little spider friend. If you know Isaac, you will get it. Excuse my bra strap!

Isaac said that was actually Chopper, Good Little Spiders friend!! I am so glad my sons imaginary friend can bring so much joy!!
BTW~Beautiful baby boy! Congrats
Congrats on the beautiful boy! That's a nice, big, healthy baby for one that still had 4 weeks to go!!
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