

Saturday, July 28, 2012

What a week...

it's been! It's had highs and lows but praise the Lord more highs than lows! I had a revelation this week (not an incident!) that really opened my eyes. It wasn't a bad revelation, just one that made me a little sad. But it did help me to realize many things. Because of this, I wasn't as focused on what I had been and put more focus on being contented with my life and this new situation. But before I got to that, I had many wonderful friends who put up with me! Friends who let me whine on the phone, my sister/friend who got it, a mom and dad who declared I needed some "yellow chair" time & babysit for me, my other mom and dad who provided a great night of food and laughter, a husband who listened, kids who put up with me, friends who revealed they have issues too, friends who let me whine in a parking lot then declared themselves my new "best friend", friends who let me love on their little ones, friends who supported us through a cooking class, a friend who has been there to long to count yet she stays around despite my craziness, and so many others. I am so blessed!! Now onto other life events...Andrew went to Boy Scout camp. He had a great time!
Abi had a few friends over to swim..we still have a list of other girls that she wants to have over before summer is over. And homeschool kids are not social?
Abi made a doll house
We hosted our cooking classes to help bring Peter home. These went so well! We made almost $300!! God is so good!
Andrew attended his first youth event last night. Before


Jessi -in love with her family of four said...

The cooking class was so great. Grayson had so much fun! You are an amazing mom, wife, and friend and I just had so much fun getting to visit with you the other day:)

Life with the Akin Clan said...

AHH!!! Tears in my eyes! Girl, thank you!! I love having you as a friend and I am so blessed to know you! Gray just touched my heart the other day. You are raising incredible kids who strive to please God. That's amazing to see!!