

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Life Part 12

Thank you Abi for giving up your evening and spending it with Grace to celebrate her birthday! You made her feel so special tonight! Grace looks up to you in so many ways! Thank you sweet girl!
— with Eric N Aimee.

When we are young we have best friends that we make all kinds of plans with. We plan weddings, babies and life. Rarely do those plans work out or those friendships last. Our oldest boys will be 15 very soon and will be going into high school.😳 I am so fortunate to have a friend that has walked through every life experience, both good and bad with me!
— with Eric N Aimee.

I love seeing God's hands in things:
-Our log in date for some very important paperwork is Jan. 2nd-Peter's birthday!
This is not the first time that important dates have coincided. Coincidence? Nope! That's God saying, "I've still got this! Stop trying to take it back!"

When we do not lovingly go to a person whom we have an issue with, we instead turn to petty gossip. What if your doctor told you that you had three weeks to live due to a deadly brain tumor? Oh and he's known for a year but didn't tell you but told everyone else? That's exactly what gossip does. It's deadly, it spreads and it ruins lives.
When we are so hurt and down about life that we do not see the hurts of others, that's not good. We're called to be a community and to bear each other's burdens. We're not called to do life alone.
*This 5 minute sermon from a wise, Godly young woman yesterday was exactly the church that I needed. I was humbled by her Grace and humility
 Conversations with 12 year old girls today:
Me: She got a swing! (referring to a gift)
Abi: A what?
Me: A swing!
Abi: Whaaaat? What's a swing?
Me: Are you serious? "Making swinging motions"
Abi: Oh, I thought you meant a dance.

Telling this conversation at dinner:
Danielle:Why would grown people want a swing?
Allison: Not a kids swing!
Danielle: What are you talking about then?
Me: Danielle, what movie did you pick?
Danielle: I picked up.
Me: No, you don't have to pick up. Pick a movie.
Danielle: I picked up.
Me: Danielle! Pick a movie! Not pick up!
Danielle: I picked the movie "Up!"
Me: Oh....
I love life with girls! Girls that remind me of me when I was 12~

 When life seems a bit sad, my sweet hubby brings donuts home for us. It's the small things in life. Celebrate life and love your family. Enjoy the small victories and look for joy and Light. It's there even when darkness tries to hide it.

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