

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Life Part 4

*Two posts in one day but I must brag* Peter has speech therapy at Longview Therapy twice a week. His therapists have been baffled as to why the typical speech techniques do not work for him. Peter shared something with one of his therapist that broke her heart. She then committed to learn everything she could about teaching Peter. And boy has she!! She has spent her breaks and free time at home researching the Chinese language, sending emails to Chinese professors and much more. I am beyond excited to have them partner with us in this way! We love all of our therapists there and it's thrills this moms heart to not do this journey alone!

And this, my friends, is why we do what we do. Elise begged for a Bible. Because she lives here, it's a FREEDOM she has now. She has the freedom to choose Whom she serves, the freedom to get a great education, the freedom to choose a job she wants. Some would argue she has the same choices in China, but that's not true.


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